TitleMarkets for Honduran tilapia
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsMeyer, ST, Meyer, DE
MagazineWorld Aquaculture
Issue Number2
Pagination39 - 40, 72
Date Published2010

The first reports of tilapia in Honduras date from the mid-1930's when broodstock of Java tilapia (Oreochrimis mossambicus) was introduced to Honduras from El Salvador. In 1955, the Honduran government, through the Secretariat of Natural Resources, created the Jesus de Otoro Aquaculture Station for the culture of freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). In 1958, because of various problems, this activity was discontinued. In 1968, the station resumed activities, this time oriented to the culture of tilapia. Two additional aquaculture stations were created by the government during the 1960s and 70s. The El Carao National Fish Culture Research Station was constructed in 1979. That station was utilized to initiate a national program of fish culture through extension programs and distribution of tilapia fingerlings to local farmers. The program focused on promoting subsistence-level fish culture throughout the country. Target groups included rural farmers and community organizations.

Notice of Publication Number

NOP 10-260 (English)