Inclusive Markets Institute
Anywhere, online

This online course is a guided and grounded learning experience for market development professionals to learn about complex systems concepts and how they play out in market systems. Practitioners will have the chance to learn about, and apply, a complex adaptive systems approach to address a current operational or managerial challenge during this professional-development opportunity. Practitioners will be able to test your learning immediately in the field. Learning while you are embedded in your community makes for a relevant and rich learning platform!

Conducted solely online, this eight week course enables professionals to study while they are working and living at home. Each month will explore a theme through online discussions, instructional videos and podcasts. To deepen the learning, participants will work in small groups and have access to coaching. There will be assessments and participants will receive a certificate at the end of the course.

The course will be held 4 September -15 December 2017.

This course will:

  • Demystify systems thinking
  • Expose you to exploring markets as complex adaptive systems
  • Inspire you to approach challenges differently and experience how systems thinking can add new perspectives to your own work in inclusive market development
  • Teach you to identify emergent patterns and effective leverage points to stimulate market development
  • Introduce you to frameworks and tools that assist in soliciting feedback from market system actors
  • Provide you an opportunity to apply adaptive management in your work
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