Sewanee: The University of the South
Sewanee, Tennessee, USA


  • Manage internal grant applications for the Sewanee Headwaters Initiative and coordinate activities with faculty and staff members. 
  • Conduct fieldwork throughout the region in coordination with faculty and staff members and manage field crews of students. The fieldwork will include a mix of sampling techniques to monitor water quality to support ongoing and future projects at the University. 
  • Sampling of vertebrate (mammal, herptile, and fish) and invertebrate (butterfly, dragonfly, snail, and mussel) species in aquatic and upland environments.
  • This position will be responsible for maintaining databases, data entry QA/QC, project deliverables, and performance measures.
  • Responsible for summarizing and analyzing project data, preparing annual and final reports, and in collaboration with faculty, preparing results for publication in peer-reviewed journals. 
  • Assist with outreach efforts with landowners, partner agencies, and local government entities.
  • Purchase field equipment, regularly visit field sites, and collecting field data in conjunction with field crews. 
  • Other duties may be assigned based on employee’s interests and abilities and program’s needs.
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