Penang, Malaysia


  • Develop and implement innovative and impactful fish value chain research activities.
  • Develop value chain work plans and lead implementation to ensure quality and timely deliverables and monitor and evaluate progress.
  • Develop and ensure effective tools, methods and indicators for fish value chain research.
  • Publish quality research results in peer-reviewed journals as well as briefs, reports and through other media.
  • In collaboration with WorldFish staff and partners, develop and submit project proposals that include fish value chains.
  • Ensure a pro-poor, innovative and gender responsive market-oriented approach.
  • Develop and strengthen our partnerships with global, regional and national researchers in fish value chains within the WorldFish-led CGIAR Research Program (CRP) on Fish Agri-food Systems (FISH).
  • Strengthen partnerships as well as with the CRP on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) and on Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM).
  • Mentor young researchers in key program countries and build the research capacity for WorldFish and partners.
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Saturday, May 5, 2018