The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Aquaculture & Fisheries (AquaFish Innovation Lab) is housed at Oregon State University in the College of Agricultural Sciences.
One of 24 Feed the Future Innovation Labs funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), AquaFish Innovation Lab received a 5-year extension on an existing grant from USAID to continue to fund aquaculture and fisheries research in developing countries. Currently, AquaFish Innovation Lab maintains partnerships in 9 countries and collaborations in 5 countries.
The mission of the AquaFish Innovation Lab is to enrich livelihoods and promote health by cultivating international, multidisciplinary partnerships that advance science, research, education, and outreach in aquaculture and fisheries. Bringing together resources from US and Host Country institutions, AquaFish Innovation Lab strives to strengthen the capacities of its partnering institutions, to increase the efficiency of aquaculture and improve fisheries management in environmentally and socially acceptable ways, and to disseminate research results to a broad audience.
The AquaFish Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) began its first year on 30 September 2006, continuing with extension funds (2011-2013) until March, 2013. On 31 March 2013, AquaFish Innovation Lab officially moved into Phase II under the new USAID-approved name Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Aquaculture & Fisheries, or AquaFish Innovation Lab for short. The AquaFish Innovation Lab will continue to operate in the same manner as the previous CRSP whereby Oregon State University (OSU) serves as the Lead US Institution and partners with other institutions in the US and internationally.