Since inception the AquaFish Innovation Lab has received two Associate Awards from USAID for work in Africa. In 2007 the AquaFish Innovation Lab received an award from the USAID Mali Mission for work in Mali, targeting three aquaculture and fisheries development themes. In 2010, the AquaFish Innovation Lab received an Associate Award under the Strategic Investment in Rapid Technology Dissemination (SIRTD) Program targeting technology adoption involving best management of inputs for fish production to provide economic, environmental, and agronomic efficiency of aquaculture in sub-Saharan Africa.
Enhancing the Profitability of Small Aquaculture Operations in Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania
Oregon State University: Ghana, Kenya, & Tanzania (2010-2013)
Aquatic Resources Use and Conservation for Sustainable Freshwater Aquaculture and Fisheries in Mali
Oregon State University: Mali (2007-2010)